Successful Stories

Baby satyam

We received an emergency case of Baby satyam
He is suffering from Eyes Cancer at the age of 14 months treated by AIIMS Hospital.

His father Vishnu is a cobbler. it is very hard for his to arrange his baby treatment expenses.

The only way to save him is repeated cycle of chemotherapy with medication and eye surgery
The approximate cost of this treatment is INR 2 lakh 50 thousand
He regularly needs chemotherapy kit which price is 18500/-

Please come forward and take initiative for him, So that he can again smile with his mother.

WhatsApp Image 2024-10-17 at 10.58.08 AM

Aramita Acharya

We received a emergency case of “Aramita Acharya she is 39 years old.
who is suffering from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer {stage lll} treated by Medica cancer hospital

Her husband Swarup Acharya is a labour worker. it is very hard for his to arrange his wife treatment expenses.

The cost of this treatment is 6 Lacks. And
Doctor told need to provide 6 chemotherapy in 3 months to recovery that is the total cost 84000/-

So pls come forward and take initiative for her So that she can again smile with her husband. please little contribution her husband can get his wife again..🙏🏻


We received a very emergency case of “Samina 42 years old.
She is suffering from wound infection on small intestine, and last 18 days..she is very critical condition.

It is very hard for her family to arrange the treatment expenses.

Around treatment cost 35000/-

Doctor recommended urgently provide wound manager medium size with colopast gel.

Kindly plz come forward to help her ..

This case is of “VANSh” of 4 year 3 months baby boy.
who is suffering from HOLE IN THE HEART and being treated RML hospital new Delhi, under the guidance of Dr. Vijay Grover..

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Live Cases The Miracle Foundation


We received a emergency case of “LOVEKUSH” of 13 years child.
who is suffering from Neurology disease SSPE, treated RML hospital new Delhi,

His mother Ms. Bindu Devi is working as a labour, his husband not live with them, it is very hard for her to arrange the treatment expenses without her husband.

24hrs he is live with oxygen cylinder and medication name is ISOPRINOSINE 500mg tabletta
The cost of this treatment is per month with medication 35500/-

Kindly plz come forward to help this little child..

This case is of “SACHIN MEHTO” of 12year baby boy.
who is suffering from HEART DISEASE being treated RML hospital new Delhi, under the guidance of Dr. Vijay Grover

His FATHER MR.SRIRAM MEHTO is working as a LABOUR, it is very hard for his to arrange the treatment expenses without his becz he is working as a LABOUR his earning 7000/-rs month he having a family, and BABY SACHIN MEHTO SURGERY COST 35000/-RS APART FROM EVERY WEEK BABY NEED MEDDICATION OF 7000-RS

We received a emergency case of “LAKSHYA” of 7 months baby boy.
who is suffering from Neuro disease, treated RML hospital new Delhi, His mother Ms. VEENA Devi is working as a labour, his husband not live with them, it is very hard for her to arrange the treatment expenses without her husband.

– The cost of this treatment is per week medication 17500/-
– The mother is surviving on the income of INR 4000 monthly,
Kindly plz come forward to help this little child..

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